The Wayfarer in Divine Science

Notes from a journey in Christian Science

What is moral idiocy?

While we might be able to surmise that “computer idiocy” or “kitchen idiocy” means someone has yet to learn enough to be useful with computers or in the kitchen, moral idiocy is actually the process of allowing error to chip away at our God-created perfect state where we effortlessly understand, just as children do, all that is good and right and real, until evil has made us a weapon — in belief only! — against God and His creation.

This process can only come about by failing to “Stand porter at the door of thought” (S&H, p. 392) and forgetting our dominion over the creeping things. By handling animal magnetism — which is the understanding there is no power apart from God, and no separation between God and us as His idea — we are then ready to discern when mortal mind seeks to hypnotize us into believing in another power or that we are now, or ever can be, separated from Truth, Life, and Love.

Then we can watch against every uncovered scheme of evil, ensuring its self-destruction and our victory. “Behold, the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21) and that kingdom cannot be invaded or diminished in any way, ever! Doing this daily is being “faithful over a few things.” (Matthew 25:21)