The Wayfarer in Divine Science

Notes from a journey in Christian Science

Truth simply IS

Let us start with something basic, something I am certain we can all agree upon: Truth is impersonal. Truth doesn't care about how you feel about it, where you live, who you know, the color of your skin, if your diet is gluten-free, or whether you're a morning person.

Truth simply IS. If Truth were to come out and express this, Truth would say, “I AM.”

Since Truth is impersonal, that means that we are the manifestations of Truth which must express the fact that Truth IS in our daily lives. This becomes a declaration of “I am that I AM” in the degree that we are truly allowing ourselves to be guided by Truth in all we do. Conversely, to be working against Truth is to be saying “I am NOT that I AM.”

Accordingly, we can extract a few axioms along these lines:

  1. The Cause must precede the effect. The universe could not exist without Truth. Therefore, the only true Cause is impersonal Truth, unchangeable and constant.
  2. Since the universe proceeds from Truth, it stands that it is the Mind behind all things, and is the only intelligence. Anything opposed to this Mind is erroneous false belief, and cannot long stand against Truth. Anything opposed to it will be annihilated, much the same way our first grade math errors were corrected and are have no living history.
  3. Since the universe proceeds from Truth, there are no accidents. If there were random events or chaos, then Truth would be incomplete, inept, and untrue. The universe would then be unable to maintain existence. Therefore what appears as an accident or chaos or entropy is actually either our mistaken view of reality or our actively creating the error through willful disobedience to Truth.
  4. Since Truth created us and is always there for all of us, then Truth is also Love in the purest form.
  5. Since Truth knows nothing other than itself, then Truth is our one constant Principle, always guiding all. This would make Truth our Father and Mother in the purest sense.
  6. Opinion and personal preferences are at best meaningless, and at worse the root of error, this shows us that our human personality is an obstacle to overcome, not to fix, enhance, or accept. The purity of babies is universally loved, and then as the child accrues personality, like dirt on a snowball, it becomes less likable and lovable, until the grown adult has few who can deal with them. Personality is the culprit.
  7. While our human personality is error to be expunged, our individuality — the real part of us which has come directly from Truth — is what must be cherished and expressed. We must learn to see ourselves, and others, and this universe, in the Spirit of Truth — this is the only true spirituality and identity.
  8. Finally, to be certain you are working for and not against Truth, look to the effect of your actions. If what you are doing only benefits you, then you are in error. Truth is all and works for all, and would not have created us to do anything less than express Truth in every word and action.

Were mankind as a whole be willing to put aside personal gain and accomplishments, and seek rather to go to Truth for guidance in all things, we would be ready to have greater expressions of Truth be revealed to us and through us, and all would be blessed and true progress would be unfolded at a rate which would astound even the modern world.