The Wayfarer in Divine Science

Notes from a journey in Christian Science

God's ways, statutes, commandments, judgments, and testimonies

“Now the days of David drew nigh...and he charged Solomon his son, saying, ... keep the charge of the Lord thy God, to walk in his ways, to keep his statutes, and his commandments, and his judgments, and his testimonies, as it is written in the law of Moses, that thou mayest prosper in all that thou doest, and whithersoever thou turnest thyself:” — I Kings 2 : 1, 3

All people want to “prosper in all that thou doest,” so this verse provides the recipe to achieve that goal. Of course, I have found it requires Christian Science to understand what God's ways, statutes, commandments, judgments, and testimonies are, and what it means to be obedient to them.

I have had the blessing of both studying Christian Science and viewing many documentaries which have made me realise that what keeps Christian Science pure is adherence to the high standard that Christ Jesus and Mary Baker Eddy have set before us.

The moment I, or anyone, wishes to return evil for evil, or overlook evil, or accept evil, or commit evil is the moment we fall short of that high standard. The Greek word for “sin” is hamartia, an archery term for “missing the mark.” When we miss the mark, and fail to uphold pure Christian Science, we begin to have the appearance of a new age adherent, or an intellectual, or a drunk person, or Pharisee, or a violent offender, or whatever other identity the human mind tries to fool us into embodying.

As Mary Baker Eddy wrote in The Allegory, on page 328 of Miscellaneous Writings, “if thou strayest, listen for the mountain-horn, and it will call thee back to the path that goeth upward.”