The Wayfarer in Divine Science

Notes from a journey in Christian Science

“Believe on him whom [God] hath sent” to “work the works of God” — Christ Jesus (John 6 : 28, 29)

“Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.” — John 6 : 28, 29

I love these verses and what I feel they signify through the understanding which I have gained in Christian Science. We are not asked to have blind belief in the personal man 'Jesus,' nor are we to worship him or God personally, but rather we are to have “the perception of spiritual Truth” 1 that comes from understanding the impersonal nature of the Christ, or “The divine manifestation of God” 2 which is what each of us were created by God to be.

Therefore, to me, Christ Jesus is calling us to “believe on him whom [God] hath sent” and to know this impersonal “him” does indeed specifically mean Christ Jesus, Mary Baker Eddy, and anyone else who have proven their fidelity to God's word; additionally it is intended to apply to whomever has the humility and understanding to “work the works of God” as Christian Science teaches us to do. Everyone who comes to this Science, and studies Mrs. Eddy's writings, must surely be more and more capable of having Jesus' words become applicable for themselves as well.

Mrs. Eddy warns of doubting our own ability to “work the works of God” —

“Science reveals the possibility of achieving all good, and sets mortals at work to discover what God has already done; but distrust of one's ability to gain the goodness desired and to bring out better and higher results, often hampers the trial of one's wings and ensures failure at the outset.” — from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, page 260

As we lose that limited material sense of ourselves and begin to gain in that “holy humility, unworldliness, and self-abandonment” 3 of our wayshower, we start to get ourselves out of the way enough to know “the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.” 4 We also begin to see why “all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose” 5 and perhaps even why “many are called, but few are chosen.” 6 After a certain point, the Christ requires we let go of our human lives and trusts 7 so absolutely that our only reliance becomes Truth and Love. God, alone, has, and will, and does now, sustain us.

1 part of the definition of Believing, from the Glossary in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, page 582

2 part of the definition of Christ, from the Glossary in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, page 583

3 Retrospection and Introspection, by Mary Baker Eddy, page 91

4 John 14 : 10

5 Romans 8 : 28

6 Matthew 22 : 14

7 “Now when Jesus heard these things, he said unto him, Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me.” — Luke 18 : 22